Soul Sessions

I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately, trying to figure out what direction I want to go in life. I’ve been asking myself if I’m happy with my accomplishments, am I striving for and reaching my goals, could things be better at home, at work, with love. Am I happy with the life I’m leading.  Is what I’m doing with it fulfilling?!

Then I pick up Soul Sessions by Carson Gageand I’m unable to put it down, consuming it’s two-hundred plus pages in two sittings.  The book had a slow start, but once I got into the heart of it, I found myself rooting for the protagonist, hoping he’d discover his awakening and come out fulfilled. Next thing you know I’m asking my husband “do you ever REALLY think about your soul?”  

This book had me thinking about my actual soul for days. Of course, I’ve always thought about my soul in the context of living right, being connected to God and going to heaven, and I’ve even had many a conversation about soul ties. However, to really reflect on whether or not I’m allowing my soul to attach to the wrong things in this life…now that’s something I can’t honestly say I’ve really sat and delved into.

The recurring notion I picked up from the book is this:

 “…most forms of suffering come from attachment .. attachment to possessions .. attachment to results .. attachment to unfulfilled desires .. attachment to other people’s opinions.  Detachment is one of the most important spiritual lessons to learn.  Breaking attachments can lead to authentic freedom.” –Soul Sessions by Carson Gage

Am I too attached to the wrong things, I wondered.  Am I too caught up in the mundane progression of life, dictated by societies standards of happiness, wholeness and fulfillment? It certainly can seem and feel that way.  I’ve got more soul searching to do!

In the novel, Nick Dalton, although living a seemingly good life, is battling with depression and thoughts of suicide, and eventually seeks the help of a psychologist, Katrina Dumont.  He goes on a literal soul searching journey in an attempt to understand why he didn’t feel whole.  Through the use of hypnotherapy he explores several prior incarnations to understand why he felt such a void in his life, in spite of having achieved so much.

Although I’m not one to be into reincarnation I totally understood the point of the narrative and the concept that everyone is here for a specific purpose and that there will be different people in our lives along the way (i.e., soul mates) to help us along the journey.  Speaking of soul mates, there was an entire chapter on it, of course, and it was quite interesting.  It introduced the idea that we have multiple soul mates known as a soul group.  People that we are connected to throughout life that help us and challenge us in some way.  People that make us feel like our true selves, who we love authentically.  Not just a mate in the form of a spouse, but close connections in general, parent and child, siblings, friends, etc.  I’d never thought about souls in this way before.  So again, this book gave me so, so many things to ponder.
Ultimately, Soul Sessions is a thought provoking book about life, love and the awakening of your spirit.  You’ll find yourself dog-earing pages, questioning your initial thoughts about certain concepts and reflecting on your life.  I can’t help but encourage you to check out a book that will stick with you and affect you in that way.  There’s nothing like a book that makes you think!
What is your take on souls? Soul mates? And, life after death? 

This book had my thoughts all over the place!  I’d even be curious to hear how you felt before you read the book, then hear how it changed your perspective, if at all.  Again, I believe Soul Sessions is quite a moving book that will challenge your way of thinking.  So let’s discuss!

About the Author:  Carson Gage has been interested in the mysteries of life and death since the age of seven, when he survived being run over by a speeding car. This experience led him on a journey of discovery for answers to some of life’s biggest questions.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


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