
Hello, I'm Nicole, an engineer by degree but a creative at heart! I am the author of this family, lifestyle blog.

Posts by this author:

A Peek Inside: The Nursery

I think Maddie’s room is my favorite room in the house!  It always feels so bright and comfy during the day, calming and relaxing at night.  It’s similar in size to the guest room but just the right size for her,…


Be still and know…

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Overwhelming Sadness…

As I heard the news today, about Sandy Hook Elementary School, I told myself not to let it affect me emotionally in front of my daughter…but I could not contain my sadness. I picked up my 9 month old daughter,…


Maddie Musings – Napping

Awww, look at THAT pretty little baby…isn’t she cute?!?   Maddie at 7 days old! (Lauren Garrison Photography) Well, you can come and get her…I kid, I kid!!!   But Madison, my love, my heart, my joy…you, my dear, have…


Thoughts on Christmas…

I am so excited that Catriona at Precious Impressions has given me the opportunity to guest post for the very first time! It is almost Christmas you know, the season of giving, so stop by her way to see my thoughts on… What Christmas…


Still trying to impress…

My maternal grandparents got married in 1965 so they are coming up on their Golden Anniversary soon! So as of this year they’ve been married for 47 years people…we’re talking FOR-EVER!!! (via) A few months ago they came to stay…


Monthly Measures – 5K Plans…

This is the beginning of my journey… As I mentioned last week I plan to run a 5K in 2013 (yay me…sike!).  I seriously went back and forth as to whether I would post that I’d be running for quite…


Maddie Musings – Standing…

If I’m up and about, you can bet your bottom dollar that Maddie is doing THIS… Sorry for the blurriness…she’s always on the move! She’ll be walking before I know it and I can’t wait…at least THAT is what I’m saying…


Thankful Tuesday…

I’m so thankful to be a wife and mother…  These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be…


I’ve Decorated for Christmas: The GBU…

I’ve been excited about the holidays this year because it’s our first as husband / wife (woot!) and as parents (double woot!).  Since Maddie is so young I know that this Christmas won’t mean much to her so I promised myself…


Favorite Things…It’s Friday!

Here are a few of my Favorite Things from the month of November! ONE – Hosting Thanksgiving for my family.  Don’t get me wrong, it was a lot of work and I’m still tired from all that went into it…


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